Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How to resolve : Authentication denied: Boot identity not valid

<11-May-2010 20:00:57 o'clock CEST> <Critical> <Security> <BEA-090402> <Authentication denied: Boot identity not valid; The user name and/or password from the boot identity file ( is not valid. The boot identity may have been changed since the boot identity file was created. Please edit and update the boot identity file with the proper values of username and password. The first time the updated boot identity file is used to start the server, these new values are encrypted.>

The above mentioned error occurs generally during server startups:

Follow the following steps to resolve the issue:

Follow the following steps:
1: remove the file completely from the managed server directory.
2: remove the ManagedServerDir/data/ldap directory completely.
3: Always keep backup of files before removing it.
4: Now try to start the server from the command prompt and provide the username/password used to login to the Admin Console.

If the above mentioned steps does not resolves the issue then please post your issue here I can try look into it.


Some valuable feedbacks provided by visitors :

Comment from Burhan (

1. No need to remove the file.
Just edit the file, use plain text username and password instead of encrypted like
Username: weblogic
password: Weblogic1
After start the server from command line, it will encrypt again automitically.

2. remove the ManagedServerDir/data/ldap directory completely.

3: Always keep backup of files before removing it.


Comment from John (

One other thing before you start deleteing files. If you have more than one domain on your network make sure that you have used a unique cluster multicast address otherwise things will get confused!

Thanks a lot for your valuable comments.


Kálmán Gyuri said...

Thanks a lot.
I had a headache for this issue for two weeks.


tomaszharacz said...

Nice stuff, thanks for sharing.

sirjune said...

i got this issue and seems this is the solution for me. how do i start the server from the command prompt ?


weblogictips said...

you can use the startWeblogic.cmd file for windows or the file for unix .
These file are present in the %domain_Home%/bin directory.
And the password will be asked to be entered on the command prompt itself.


anti.alias said...

We tried your suggestion but it did work for us. We have the same error along with this:

<[Security:090737]An exception occurred while getting connection to validate the configuration settings
java.sql.SQLException: [Security:090735]The DBMS connection was not usable

Thank you in advance for the help.

weblogictips said...


The error: [Security:090735]The DBMS connection was not usable
Clearly shows that the weblogic server is not able to connect to the database.
Couple of things to check:
1: Check whether the domain_folder/config/jdbc xml file uses IP or the hostnames, if it is hostname then try changing it to the IP address.

2: Check whether the database machine is pingable from the Weblogic machine.

3: Whether the IP address of the database has an entry in the etc/hosts file of the weblogic machine.


anti.alias said...

Hi again,

Thank for the prompt reply.
I checked the three things you've mentioned and they look OK but, I still can't start the server.

The problem started when I created another domain using the same port, could that have affected the existing one.

Is there anything else I can provide you to diagnose the problem?

Anonymous said...

Yes, that can be the issue. Can you try changing the port.

anti.alias said...

I'm sorry but we were still to able to start the server by changing the port.


anti.alias said...

Sorry, I meant we were still not able to start the server after changing the port.

Anonymous said...

Are you using weblogic portal domain.

anti.alias said...

yes, i'm using weblogic portal domain.

Anonymous said...

Basically when we create a Portal Domain, using either default pointbase db or any other db like Oracle etc, at the end of domain creation, the configuration process will create a file by name "SQLAuthenticator.sql" located at beaHomeuser_projectsdomainsyourDomainsecurity.
Basically this ,sql file will have Username/Password encryped, some default Groups etc.
NOW, during config wizard process, this .sql file is executed in the database that is pointed to portal domain. Hence we are able to start the domain.
NOW, when you create a new domain from this template or change the backend database from PB to something else, you NEED to manually execute this .sql file in that backend database.

So to begin with, for the NOT Working domain, first check the db it is using. Then use a client to connect to that db. and then re-execute the .sql file and restart the domain.

anti.alias said...

Thank you all for the ideas.
I tried to connect to each datasource - one by one, in the second domain we created.
It turned out that the db users' password have expired; resetting them solved the problem.

I appreciate all of your help. Thanks again.

Shekar said...

Thanx for the Valuable Info... I wasted my half day time...

Manohar said...

Hi there,

I am trying to start the weblogic 10 through cargo-ant script. when i try to start the weblogic through Start->All Programs->...Start Admin server, it starts quite ok. But when i execute the ant script, in which taskdef cargo is used to kick-start the weblogic container, it ends up in "Authentication denied: Boot identity not valid".

After following your advice above by removing the file altogether, i am now getting the following error in the logs:


could you please advise?

thanks a ton !

Manohar said...

the problematic message is as below(not sure why did it strip the earlier text within the lines )

weblogictips said...

I am still not able to see the problematic message.
Try posting it on oracle forums under security category and paste the link here, will see the message from there.


Rengith said...

After the providing the credetials I am getting the folloing error.

Please assist.

weblogictips said...

where the error is occurring, is it on the Admin Server or the Managed Server?

Srinath Ramegowda said...

Solution: Whenever the managed server is NOT able to contact the admin server in order to pull the updated domain & security see this issue. Try to fix it first. Make sure the managed host is able to hit adminhost & port especially incase of https. Please note that the contents of are good but unable to validate against admin server.

Natasha said...

I began having the boot identity not valid error after applying a patch to the OMS home. I have tried your recommendation and removed the and ldap file. I tried to start the Admin server manually but still receive the same errors:
<Server subsystem failed. Reason: Authentication for user weblogic denied Authentication for user weblogic denied
Caused By: [Security:090304]Authentication Failed: User weblogic [Security:090302]Authentication Failed: User weblogic denied

Any Idea?

daledo said...

Thanks for posting the comment - this was very helpful in troubleshooting!

ArvinthKumar said...

Hi As you mentioned I have removed the file and have renamed the security folder inside the %Domain Home%/server/AdminServer and tried starting the server by ./ from the bin directory.
It have asked me the username and password. I have given as weblogic and weblogic. I am getting the below error message

<Server subsystem failed. Reason: Authentication for user weblogic denied'

Help me in this regard.


Anj said...

Thanks.. this solved our problem.. Keep posting more...... :-)

Vinay said...

Thanks a lot. Was just worried about removing the Ldap dir. Anyways worked for me.

Tee Babs said...


I have tried the steps you mentioned above and I still get the same error messages. The file is always automatically generated in

SEE error messages below:

TEESERVER1_MS1.out file

Tee Babs said...

I really need some help in resolving the problem I have in starting up managed servers after creating the clustered weblogic domain that includes OSB.
I have installed the following applications on 2 machines that I used to support the cluster:
OS : Windows XP
JAVA : jrmc-3.1.2-1.6.0-windows-ia32.exe
Weblogic software : osb1031_wls103_win32.exe

The weblogic and OSB software were installed correctly and I have the pointbase database started correctly. The Admin server and Nodemanagers started up correctly and the machines are reachable but the managed servers kept giving the boot identity file error messages when they are started from the Admin console.

I have tried everything from updating on the managed servers, to changing the Admin Account password but i still get the same authentication errors. A new file is usually created in the C:DomainsTEE_OSBserversTEESERVER1_MS1datanodemanager folder
I also tried to create the managed servers using WLST script and/or from the Admin console separately but all to no avail. I also tried to start up the managed server without the cluster but the same result.

The only time the managed servers started was when I started them from the command line and pass in the credentials.

What can I fix in the server that will allow me to be able to start the managed servers.

SEE error messages below:

TEESERVER1_MS1.out file

Jetendra said...

Can you rename the managed server directory and try to start admin server and the node manager.

and check if the servers are coming up normally.

Venkat said...

thanks alottttt.....

Venkat Ballem said...

thank you very much.
i wasted 1 week time to find a solution like this.

Praveen said...

Thanks so much, it really helped.

Godskyller said...

I just edited to:

after restart it were encrypted again.

Pallavi said...

i got solution. but how this boot identity links with ldap directories.

Abraham said...

Thanx ;-)

We had the same issue (obviously) - and tried using the _old_ way (changed username/password in file) : no success,

And THIS solution worked - only one other thing I feel I can mention:

We connect to INGRES databases and at first start: it failed to connect to INGRES -> restarting again from the console resolved this and we're _rocking_ ;-)


Dan said...

Im having the same issue after creating a managed server with the 11g quick start install. Ive tried all the solutions here, editing the, removing it, removing the managed server directory, and I still get the message below: [Security:090303]Authentication Failed: User weblogic [Security:090295]caught unexpected exception

Regardless of what I put in the, that message is the same, indicating that its logging in with the weblogic user. The password has never been changed so Im not sure why it would fail.

Nothing special has been done to this install, just a simply Admin Server, Managed Server, and Node Manager created by the configuration wizard.

Any tips?

Ash-Shakur Rahaman said...

it worked! thanks.

Vincent said...

Thanks a lot,i got solution.

John said...

One other thing before you start deleteing files. If you have more than one domain on your network make sure that you have used a unique cluster multicast address otherwise things will get confused!

weblogictips said...

thanks John for your valuable comment.
I will update the post with this information.


Burhan said...

1. No need to remove the file.
Just edit the file, use plain text username and password instead of encrypted like
Username: weblogic
password: Weblogic1
After start the server from command line, it will encrypt again automitically.

2. remove the ManagedServerDir/data/ldap directory completely.

3: Always keep backup of files before removing it.

Vamsi said...


I have weblogic installed on my machine and when trying to connect to DB linke dwith managed server, it is throwing error as

Apr 5, 2012 5:13:33 PM IST> <Failure occurred in the execution of deployment request with ID '1333626211843' for task 'weblogic.deploy.configChangeTask.6'. Error is: 'weblogic.application.ModuleException: '
at weblogic.jdbc.module.JDBCModule.prepare(
at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleListenerInvoker.prepare(
at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow$
at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow.prepare(
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
weblogic.common.ResourceException: weblogic.common.ResourceException: Could not create pool connection. The DBMS driver exception was: Io exception: NL Exception was generated
at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionEnvFactory.createResource(
at weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourcePoolImpl.makeResources(
at weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourcePoolImpl.makeResources(
at weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourcePoolImpl.start(
at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionPool.doStart(
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace

I have set the classpath for weblogic and tried to ping the DB, but its has given me the exception as

Error encountered:
java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: Io exception: NL Exception was generated
at oracle.jdbc.driver.SQLStateMapping.newSQLException(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.newSQLException(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon( at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CDriverExtension.getConnection(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at utils.dbping.main(

Could anyone please help me. This is something urgent for me


weblogictips said...

hi vamsi,


The exception message "NL Exception was generated" typically is caused by a formatting or syntax error within the JDBC connection URL.
For example, missing a parenthesis at the end of the connection URL will result in this error.
In this case, the connection URL contains spaces here:
(PORT = 1521)
There are spaces on either side of the equals sign.

Remove any spaces contained within the connection URL.
For example:


Abhinav said...

In my case i am not able to start Admin server after configuring weblogic with AD and reordering the Provider after setting the Control Flag to 'Required'.
I have tried the steps mentioned over here, but still it doesn't work.
Can you please help , it's too critical.

weblogictips said...

Hi Abhinav,

Below things need to checked :
1 : are you able to view the users and groups from AD under Weblogic Console >> security Realms >>> groups and users ?
2 : are you starting the Admin Server with the user present in the AD or present in the default Embeded LDAP ?
3 : Verify the Java Options for all the Authentication Providers from Weblogic Console :
none of the authentication providers should be assigned " REQUIRED " Flag . If it is there change it to SUFFICIENT for all the providers .

Sandeep ( weblogictips)

Mohtashim said...

We are getting this weird exception and your suggestion do not help.

Kindly suggest ...

weblogictips said...

Hi Mohtashim,

Please let me know :
if the issue with the Admin Server or Managed Server ?
Are you starting the server through StartScript , or WLST or Admin Console .

If the server is started through the start script and removing the ldap dir and does not resolve the issue then
you may have to reset the Admin Password .
you can follow the below link :

But before that you should make sure that the authentication provider for the domain is default authentication provider and not the external authentication provider .

If the authentication provider is external then you may need to reset the password from external ldap .
Also move the ldap dir and files if locally present .

Only difference in case the server is started through the Admin Console / WLST is that you have to move the nodemanager dir also present is the


King said...


I'm also getting this error when starting a managed server:

[Security:090303]Authentication Failed: User weblogic [Security:090295]caught unexpected exception

I've already tried deleting the, removing ldap directory. I was able to start the admin server, but when I start the managed server using node manager that error occurs. I've also removed the and the .state file in the /data/nodemanager folder.

mahantesh said...

Thanks a was blocking me ...