Monday, January 30, 2012

Issue with NodeManager and Weblogic Server

Error :

<Jan 24, 2012 11:33:43 AM AST> <Error> <NodeManager> <BEA-300033> <Could not execute command "getVersion" on the node manager. Reason: "Access to domain 'Base_Domain' for user 'EZRXyZIP1P' denied".>

Debug Steps:

The default log level for node manager is : Info .
We need to set the log level to Finest.

Below are the available log level for Node Manager :

SEVERE             ----- (highest value)
INFO                    ---- Default value .
FINEST             ----- (lowest value)

Then We will restart the Node Manager and check for the log file error message again.

Solution :

1 : Log on to the Admin Console of the domain for which we are getting the error ( http://hostname:port/console )

2 : Go to Domain Name (Base_Domain) in my case >>>>> Then to security >>>>

3 : Click on the Advance Option.

4 : Change the username and password values that you want to use with the node manager.

in my case : username is : weblogic

password is : weblogic123

5 : save the changes.

Then each remote host:

  • Navigate to the folder %DOMAINHOME%\config\nodemanager

  • Edit the file:

  • Content should be set to:

  • username=weblogic

  • password=weblogic123

  • Save

  • Restart the Weblogic Node Manager

6 : Then go to the Base_Domain/servers/mannaged_server/data/nodemanager/ dir.

7 : open the file and enter the below values :


password= weblogic123

the same values as set on Admin Console.

8: Restart the Admin Server.

9 : Now run the nmEnroll() wlst command for all the machines that has the Managed server.




Now you can check the node manager status from Admin Console .

left panel >> Machines >> Machine1 >> Monitoring >>

The Status should be reachable.

If the above steps did not resolve the issue the you can still post you issue in the comments below and I can try to help .



 Error :

Feb 2, 2012 2:55:02 AM weblogic.nodemanager.server.NMServer main SEVERE: Fatal error in node manager server Address already in use at Method) at at at<init>( at<init>( at weblogic.nodemanager.server.Listener.init( at weblogic.nodemanager.server.NMServer.start( at weblogic.nodemanager.server.NMServer.main( at weblogic.NodeManager.main(

Reason :

The error message : Address already in use at

Shows that the Port number used by the Node Manager process is being already  used by some other process .

Solution :

1 : First thing we need to check is whether Node Manager is already running on the machine :

For unix :

ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep -i weblogic.NodeManager

For windows :

netstat -a0 | findstr <NM_PORT_NO>

tasklist | findstr nodemanager

2 : If the process is not running already then, check which process is using the using the port assigned to node manager .

By default Weblogic Node Manager runs on port : 5556

So, to check which process is using this port use the below command .

For unix :

netstat -an | grep 5556

For Windows :

netstat -ao | findstr 5556

3 : If this port is already used by some other process then try to change the Node Manager Port number from file

%Middleware_Home%/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager/ file :

ListenPort = XXXX

4 : Now try to start the Node manager from :

%Middleware_Home%/wlserver_10.3/server/bin/ or



 Error :

NodeManager not Reachable: Invalid State File Format

Due to above error, Managed Servers cannot be started as the nodemanager is not reachable to Admin Console.

Stack trace from nodemanager.log file : Invalid state file format. State file contents: at weblogic.nodemanager.common.StateInfo.load( at weblogic.nodemanager.server.ServerMonitor.loadStateInfo( at weblogic.nodemanager.server.ServerMonitor.isCleanupAfterCrashNeeded( at weblogic.nodemanager.server.ServerManager.recoverServer( at weblogic.nodemanager.server.DomainManager.initialize( at weblogic.nodemanager.server.DomainManager.( at weblogic.nodemanager.server.NMServer.getDomainManager( at weblogic.nodemanager.server.Handler.handleDomain( at weblogic.nodemanager.server.Handler.handleCommand( at at



 Reason :

The state file of the managed server is in an invalid state.
Under each managed server directory, there is a NodeManager directory containing a state file <managed_server_name>.state. If this file is empty or corrupt, then the described errors occur.

For example, underE:\oracle\middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\servers\soa_server1\data\nodemanager, the soa_server1.state file is empty.
The major cause of the corruption of this file is unexpected shutdown of the Machine.

Solution :

  1. Stop the managed server if it is RUNNING.

  2. Stop the Admin Server.

  3. Stop Node Manager.

  4. Delete the following files:


  1. Start Node Manager again.

  2. Start the Admin Server again.

  3. Start the managed server using the Admin Console.



Different Memory Argument values for SOA Servers and BAM Servers In Weblogic 11g. « Soa Suite « Weblogic Server said...

[...] If you are facing any issues with the Node Manager then you can see some debug steps in the below li... [...]

Ally Oop said...

Great help, thanks. The solution for "Invalid state file format." resolved my problem.

Considering it's such an easy fix i'm surprised weblogic cannot fix it on start up itself.

nadir said...

I am using a shared domain`s directory to be able to failover the administration server from one node to another. I also configured node manager to restart all servers after crash or reboot. The Problem is that when I abruptely reboot the admin server node, sometimes lock files of managed servers strangely disappear and then managed servers are not automatically restarted by NM. I have no problem with admin server. Thanks for help.

Milan said...

I got the issue Invalid State File Format which was resolved easily by following the simple steps mentioned...

Thanks a ton for saving my day :)

God Bless U.

weblogictips said...

Hi Nadir,

can you share the error message while node manager is trying to start the Managed Server in such secnarios.
As per my understanding there will be a lck file getting creating in : servers/MS1/tmp/MS1.lck which is preventing the server startup.
so try to add a command : rm -rf servers/MS1/tmp/MS1.lck in your script and then node manager should be able to start the Managed Server .

In any case please share the error logs for better understanding of the issue .


Antop said...

thank you very much!

Reddy said...

That you so much..Invalid state format solution worked for me.